Learn Everyday

What did you learn today

To stop learning is to stop growing. We are genuinely curious, never done with learning. To us, there is no such thing as knowing it all or having all the answers. We believe in lifelong learning. Every minute of every day brings a new chance to listen, open up our minds, and widen our horizons. We are never too experienced to learn.

Green Thumbs Up Icon | Luminous
  • Always curious to learning new things and acquire new skills.
  • Appling new knowledge quickly and practically to daily work.
  • Connecting with others to exchange, collaborate, teach and learn.
Red Thumbs Down Icon | Luminous
  • Doesn’t proactively find new ways and rituals to learn (expects the company to initiate).
  • Doesn’t share knowledge or learn with/teach others.
  • Struggling to translate learning into significant work impact.